WORK STYLE – 09.17.2018

I am beyond late with posting this (I blame Pat being here this weekend and my poor time management skills with this times.) This week was an up and down with the weather temperatures, but one thing stayed constant...the NEVER ending rain. Now don't get me wrong, I love the rain, but not when …


So this past weekend was my first official weekend as a D.C. RESIDENT! I finally had a break from traveling, put my big girl pants on and went to the DMV. Honestly though, it was a lot easier than I thought it was going to be. Ellen and my dad told me to prepare for …


So I've been taking the metro for a month and a half now and for the most part, I haven't had any problems. Sure, the lights went off my first day of work and it's normally hot as anything while in the station, but other than that, I really have no complaints! However, I did …

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