WORK STYLE – 12.17.2018

I have been completely MIA because of the holidays and for that, I'm sorry! My family is coming into town today and I should have some more down time to do some actual writing. For now, enjoy last week's outfits and know that I won't be posting any work outfits from this week because I …

WORK STYLE – 12.10.2018

I have been really bad about posting on my blog lately. I just haven't felt that inspired lately and I think it's because I'm exhausted. I feel like I haven't had a break in quite awhile and I'm always somewhere. By the time I get home from work and the gym, all I want to …


I can't believe Christmas is a little over ten days away. That's CRAZY. Where did the year go?! It's like one minute we're making New Years resolutions and the next minute we're reflecting on how we didn't follow through on any of them. Don't worry, you'll totally follow through next year. I love this time …

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