We made it to Alaska’s capital, Juneau! We were greeted by beautiful mountains, super green trees and a large downtown that had a ton of shops and places to enjoy local food and drinks. However, before we could explore all of that, Pat and I were scheduled to go on a bike and brew tour …


After sailing for two days, we finally made it to our first port; Ketchikan, Alaska! Pat and I stepped outside and wow, I was blown away. We were surrounded by mountains and there wasn’t a bad view in sight. I was in awe as I realized that nothing back at home could come close to …


So, you know how in sitcoms the characters will turn to the camera and say, “that was close, let’s hope nothing else goes wrong” and then the narrator goes, “everything else did in fact go wrong” afterwards? That’s pretty much how our trip started out. Saturday morning, I woke up and immediately called United. After …


It’s hard to believe that my last vacation, which was to the very cold Indiana I might add, was over nine months. Since late 2018, I haven’t taken any time to travel or explore, which, if you know me, is extremely unheard of. I guess life just got in the way between my sister’s wedding …

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