While Labor Day Weekend for most consists of heading to the beach and enjoying drinks in the sand, my family has a completely different tradition. For as long as I can remember, Labor Day Weekend meant heading to upstate New York, hanging out with my aunts, uncles and cousins and the track day winner paying …


For a majority of this trip, thankfully, I haven't experienced too many problems with being on the boat. However, as soon as we left Skagway and were headed towards Glacier Bay, I could feel every little motion of the boat and trust me, it wasn't fun. It was really only a problem when we were …


When we arrived in Skagway, I thought we stepped onto the set of Westworld. The buildings looked like old saloons, there is a train that runs through the city and overall, it’s a very, very tiny town. Nonetheless, Pat and I were able to make the most of the morning before our excursion. We purchased …


So, you know how in sitcoms the characters will turn to the camera and say, “that was close, let’s hope nothing else goes wrong” and then the narrator goes, “everything else did in fact go wrong” afterwards? That’s pretty much how our trip started out. Saturday morning, I woke up and immediately called United. After …


It’s hard to believe that my last vacation, which was to the very cold Indiana I might add, was over nine months. Since late 2018, I haven’t taken any time to travel or explore, which, if you know me, is extremely unheard of. I guess life just got in the way between my sister’s wedding …


So I've been taking the metro for a month and a half now and for the most part, I haven't had any problems. Sure, the lights went off my first day of work and it's normally hot as anything while in the station, but other than that, I really have no complaints! However, I did …

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